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Sara looks forward to filming series 22 of Dragons’ Den

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This time next week I’ll be back sitting in that chair eagerly awaiting this year’s cohort of entrepreneurs to come through those lift doors.

And I have to say – every year I think I feel even more excited than the previous year and this is definitely no exception! And I can only think that’s because each year when I don my new outfit, and plump my secret hidden cushion on my chair to make sure it’s comfy enough to get me through 18 LONG days of filming, I know I’m sitting in that chair as a better dragon, a better mentor, a better investor and a better entrepreneur than I was the year before. And that’s because every day is a school day!

I feel like every day I get to sit in that chair, with a front row seat to some of the most heated, exciting business negotiations that must go on in this county, I learn so much. And also with every new investment I add to my portfolio, I gain insight into another exciting business, get to work with another driven, passionate entrepreneur and again, I learn so much. So every year I bring all that additional learning along with me for another fantastic series.

So yes I’m excited – super excited in fact to see what this year is going to bring!